Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some Info About Vaccines

I am not trying to debate anybody on vaccines but thought this was good info to pass on. I have questioned the safety of some vaccines. If I don't feel safe I educate myself about the vaccine in general. If I still don't feel comfortable I just don't do it. It is your right as a person and parent to say "NO" if you don't feel comfortable about vaccinations.

Remember Rick Perry tried to pass that HPV vaccine years ago?  He was trying to mandate that all girls take this vaccine. I have three girls and had to do my part as a parent and educate myself on the vaccine. As a mother with HPV I still would not have them vaccinated for HPV. It's about doing research, not research that has an agenda either

Guess what, you don't have to vaccinate. This website gives paperwork to opt out of vaccines in school, college, and work. They have tons more of their website.

I'm not saying I agree with all of it but we have the right to say "NO." You won't believe that most people don't even know they can opt out. Do your research to see if it applies if your not in Texas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Head Hen Pearl

Pearl is a Rhode Island Red. She lays large brown eggs and we get eggs from her almost every day. She is very social and always wants to be around us. She even knows her name. When she wants a treat she will come to the back door and scratch. She loves fruit and will steal yours if your not looking.

Mag Pie

Mag Pie is a Silkie Bantam. She is lovely to look at and people love her. She is a freak in the chicken world. She is an amazing layer but we were told her breed doesn't lay often. We use her eggs for facials.


Buttercup is a Sicilian Buttercup. She has not started laying yet and we believe she is eating her eggs. I would avoid this breed. She is very aggressive and would kill younger chickens. She also has pecked us to the point of bleeding. Why do we keep her? Luna Beans loves that chicken but if a predator wants her they can have her. She also beats up my dog.


Iris is a Blue Wyandotte. She is very large and beautiful. She lays about 5 eggs a week. Her eggs are fairly small for her size. She is extremely docile and I can mix her with the small chickens. When she is about to lay she's not very loud and goes straight to business. She will knock other chickens out of the nesting box.


Pedal is an Egyptian fayoumi. She doesn't do well being confined and she is very skiddish. She's a great layer and sometimes lays twice a day. She is the one I bought already laying. When she is about to lay she is the loudest hen I have. She will also try to escape from our fence.


Patsy is an Ameraucana. She will lay blue and green eggs. You have seen many pictures of her but this one might be more of what she should look like as an adult. We are hoping she starts laying in the next couple of months.